Alpine Minerals #12
SZ21 - Gwindel - SOLD
Tiefengletscher, Furka, Kanton Uri, Switzerland
Size: 6.7 x 5.8 x 4.8 cm
A highly lustrous, water-clear and free-standing light smoky gwindel set on matrix and framed with ragular rock crystals. A few faces are just powdered with chlorite, which gives more contrast and color to this spectacular piece.
HP11 - Amethyst - SOLD
Mörchnerkar, Zemmgrund, Zillertal, Tirol, Austria
Size: 8.6 x 3.8 x 3.6 cm
A sculptural assemble of sharp zepter crystals with beautiful concentration of purple color along the end-points. The faces are very glossy and show amazing "fenster" growth structures. No significant damages to report. Ex Heinrich Prager collection.
XY149 - Calcite - SOLD
Oberzeiring, Murtal, Steiermark, Austria
Size: 13.1 x 10.7 x 4.8 cm
This is a so called "feather" calcite, based on the typical, unique texture of the brownish crystals. A nice and well formed sample from this famous discovery.
HP13 - Iron Rose - SOLD
Mörchnerkar, Zemmgrund, Zillertal, Tirol, Austria
Size: 4.6 x 3.9 x 3.7 cm
Free-standing, sharp and lustrous iron roses with muscovite; the snowy white adularia gives even more contrast to this very aesthetic, rare specimen! Ex Heinrich Prager collection.
DN17 - Rutile Quartz - SOLD
Lukmanier, Graubünden, Switzerland
Size: 4.1 x 3.8 x 1.9 cm
A water-clear, sharp and lustrous rock crystal with lots of red rutile crystals inside, a few siderites is also present. No damage.
XY152 - Lazulite - SOLD
Rädelgraben, Werfen, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 3.2 x 2.2 x 2 cm
The main crystal is 12 mm across, it shows intense blue color and good contrast to the matrix. The locality produced the very finest lazulites of any European deposit. The discovery was famous, and fine pieces are very rare and hard to obtain today.
MB11 - Rutile with Calcite - 2350€
Breithorn, Binn Valley, Wallis, Switzerland
Size: 15.2 x 7.3 x 2.4 cm
Wonderfully sparkling rutile crystals scattered on a nicely contrasting calcite and adularia matrix. This specimen comes from a very famous pocket, which produced possibly the finest twinned rutile crystals of the alps. The largest crystal measures 15 mm across. No damage.
XY155 - Malachite - SOLD
Knappenberg, Edlach an der Rax, Niederösterreich, Austria
Size: 5 x 3.8 x 3.6 cm
A chatoyant spray of Malachite set on black "glaskopf" matrix. Very rare material from an old, even prehestoric locality. First activity of the mine dates back to the last bronze age. Ex Heinrich Prager collection, his label is coming with the piece.
XY154 - Kainosite with Albite and Muscovite - 295€
Hopffeldgraben, Obersulzbachtal, Pinzgau, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 4.8 x 3.1 x 2 cm
Kainsoite - named in 1886 - based on the Greek word for "uncommon" is a very rare mineral in world-wide context. The discovery at this alpine locality is most relevant for the species. The specimen features a bright yellowish brown, well terminated 4.5 mm crystal on matrix!
HL03 - Amethyst Sceptre - 1100€
Saurüssel, Mörchnerkar, Zillertal, Tirol, Austria
Size: 6.9 x 3 x 2.8 cm
A razor sharp and well terminated zepter with amazing windows from this famous alpine locale, which was probably the largest amethyst pocket system in entire Alps. As so typical of the locality the crystal shows a beautiful light purple colour. No significant damages to report.
XY151 - Baryte - SOLD
Oberzeiring, Murtal, Steiermark, Austria
Size: 10.6 x 10.5 x 8.1 cm
Very rare material from this famous classic Austrian locality. It is the most relevant locality for baryte in entire Austria! The crystals are all sharp and well terminated and show steel-blue color with lighter zonings along the edges. The assemble is very 3-dimensional and the piece is in excellent condition all around.
KW26 - Quartz - 950€
Gotthard Mountains, Uri, Switzerland
Size: 10.3 x 7 x 6.7 cm
A group of lustrous, water-clear rock crystals, some faces are powdered with chlorite which give more contrast to the piece. Hard to capture clarity and luster with the camera, so I have to note, that this specimen is much better in person. The specimen is a floater and complete all around, a little matrix is attached on the rear side. From the first Gotthard street tunnel, right now the second tunnel is being built 20 m aside the old tunnel.