International Minerals #17
FX23 - Fluorite with Calcite - SOLD
La Collada, Siero, Asturias, Spain
Size: 12.6 x 10 x 8.3 cm
A gerat Spanish Classic! Dark purple fluorite crystals with modification of rhomb along the edges and lustrous faces perched on large white calcite crystals. A very aesthetic assemble with two exposed main crystals and wonderful contrast. No significant damages to report.
FV04 - Fluorite - 2450€
Rogerley Mine, Weardale, North Pennines, Co. Durham, England
Size: 7.4 x 5.7 x 5 cm
The main crystals are up to 31 mm on edges. They show the typical emerald green color and also a very good daylight fluorescence, which gives them nearly azurite color when exposed to daylight. The main crystals developed penetration twins, their termination is sharp, faces are partly glossy and clarity is very fine - even for Rogerley Mine. The assemble is aesthetic with exposed crystals and it shows a good contrast with minor limetsone matrix at the base.
ET11 - Gold - SOLD
Eagle's Nest Mine, Placer Co., California, USA
Size: 3.6 x 3.3 x 0.8 cm
Sharp and super-glossy gold crystals form this woderful gold floater specimen.
RM14 - Baryte with Marcasite - SOLD
Mt. Ouichane, Ségangan, Nador, Morocco
Size: 12.9 x 11.8 x 8.5 cm
Large sharp terminated lustrous crystals formed this very 3-dimensional specimen. The combination with sparkling micro-crystals of pyrite and marcasite is very attractive. No damage to any crystals on the front side.
HR03 - Rubellite - SOLD
Antsira, Sahatany Valley, Antananarivo Province, Madagascar
Size: 6.2 x 2.9 x 2.7 cm
This is a killer miniature spray of rubellites from Madagascar! From a very small pocket found in 2006. This is one of the top 5 pieces in the find!
FX04 - Fluorite on Quartz - SOLD
Berbes, Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain
Size: 7.8 x 5.8 x 4.8 cm
One isolated fluorite crystal (38 x 38 x 32mm) attractively set on a thin plate of well shaped snowy white quartz crystals - it could not be more aesthetic! The cube shows modification of rhomb along the edges and the faces feature amazing texture. When backlit you can see a nearly purple center, blue zoning and violet color tones along the edges - the saturation is exceptional! Looks great in various positions, no significant damages to report.
VG14 - Emerald - SOLD
Muzo Mine, Vasquez-Yacopí Mining District, Boyacá Dept., Colombia
Size: 5.8 x 4.1 x 3.8 cm
This is a very dramatic piece with a central emerald flanked by sharp terminated lustrous Calcite crystals. The large main crystal is of top color and glassy luster, and is very large for such a specimen. It is entirely transparent throughout, though with small internal cluods as usual in a specimen. The habit shows a lot of details and sharp terminated modifications. The smaller side crystals are not of less quality. In excellent condition damage-wise. What a gorgeous sample from this well-known locality!
CI09 - Tourmaline - SOLD
Paprok, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan
Size: 5.9 x 3.9 x 3.4 cm
Two lustrous freestanding tourmaline crystals attractively set on snowy white matrix. The crystals show this typical pastell pink with sharp terminated greenish zoning at their end-points. The saturation is more intense than common material, also the aesthetic assemble with matrix makes this piece stand out the crowd. A well balanced, undamaged and unrepaired specimen!
ZF10 - Prase Quartz - SOLD
Serifos Island, Greece
Size: 9.5 x 5.8 x 5.7 cm
What a fantastic spray of sharp and well-formed prase crystals! All crystal tips are pristine and undamaged, just two small sidecar crystals are missing on the bottom rear side. Superb colour and aesthetics!
A588 - Calcite with Amethyst - SOLD
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Size: 9 x 7.5 x 8.2 cm
An intense red Calcite crystal attractively set in the center of lustrous, dark violet amethyste crystals. Perfect balance and aesthetic on highest level. No significant damages to report.
TI20 - Chrysocolla ps. Selenite with Malachite - SOLD
Lupoto Mine, Kakumba, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaïre)
Size: 6.7 x 4.7 x 4.5 cm
This pseudomorphose represents a great rarity: First there was the selenite crystal, replaced by chrysocolla and finally some malachite developed radials. The main crystal is about 44mm tall and 15mm from left to right hand side. The crystal is completely freestanding and backside is not less attractive. The assemble is very 3-dimensional with smaller crystals to the left hand side and brownish matrix at the base. Could be shown in various angles and looks always very attractive. Undamaged.
AS48 - Dioptase - SOLD
Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region, Namibia
Size: 3.7 x 3 x 2.5 cm
Lustrous, gemmy and sharp terminated dioptase crystals resting on snowy white calcite! The specimen shows really amazing contrast, the diopatse crystals feature best quality. Only minor roughness along some edges of less prominent crystals is present, overall in fine condition.