Alpine Minerals #6
BB01 - Quartz - SOLD
Erfurter Steig, Rauris, Pinzgau, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 8.1 x 4.6 x 4.4 cm
Superb clear quartz from famous Rauris valley! Three elongated Tessin style crystals on pericline matrix. Zero damage!
EH08 - Smoky Quartz - 1600€
Galmihorn, Wallis, Switzerland
Size: 10 x 6 x 5.7 cm
Dark and clear smoky quartz cluster featuring great shape and condition! The bottom side is fully crystalized also, and hosts quite a lot of small hematite crystals. The main crystal tips are fully clean of dings, only one small side crystal on low left side shows some chipping on the termination. This is, however, nothing in context and easily forgivable, especially considering the overall fantastic condition of the specimen. A great choice for every enthusiast of alpine quartz specimens!
A385 - Epidote - SOLD
Knappenwand, Untersulzbachtal, Pinzgau, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 5.9 x 1.7 x 1 cm
This is top quality cluster of five epidote crystals in nearly parallel growth. The piece comes from older findings (not from the recent mining period) at the world-famous Knappenwand in the Untersulzbach valley. All terminations are in perfect condition, there is absolutely no damage and no repair! This is one of the very best miniatures from the locale we have ever owed!
SZ34 - Fluorite - SOLD
Tiefengletscher, Furka, Kanton Uri, Switzerland
Size: 6.8 x 3.6 x 2.1 cm
Beautiful group of pink octahedrons on granite matrix. No damage.
CL04 - Smoky Quartz Gwindel - SOLD
Winterstock, Göschenertal, Kanton Uri, Switzerland
Size: 9 x 6.5 x 3 cm
Gorgeous smoky quartz gwindel featuring fantastic luster and clarity! There are no cracks inside the crystal, and the bottom side is fully crystalized (what is truly rare on gwindels!). One of the left tips shows a tiny ding on the tip, barely visible from the front side, all the other tips are in perfect condition. Fantastic sample from a famous and classic Swiss locale!
A372 - Anatase - SOLD
Crapteig, Thusis, Graubünden, Switzerland
Size: 3.8 x 3 x 2 cm
Amazingly fine, doubly terminated, 18 x 11 mm anatase perched on calcite matrix. What an alpine killer specimen, truly one of the very best alpine anatases i have ever had the pleasure to handle!
CL11 - Hematite - SOLD
Cavradi, Val Curnera, Tujetsch, Graubünden, Switzerland
Size: 5.5 x 5.2 x 2.6 cm
A bunch of hematite blades perched atop quartz and schist matrix! The biggest crystal is 3.2 cm wide. Small rutile crystals, which are so typical of the locale, are present in some places. the crystals on the front side are all in perfect condition, just one crystal in the back shows damage, but this is insignificant as it is not visible from the front side. Fantastic aesthetics and composition!
A356 - Amethyst Sceptre - 980€
Wurtenkees, Kärnten, Austria
Size: 6.6 x 3.5 x 3.3 cm
Beautiful and rare amethyst sceptre from one of the best amethyst pockets ever found in Carinthia. This is indeed a great sample from this important find, any only very few have ever been offered for sale. No damage.
FW21 - Cinnabar - SOLD
Erzberg, Eisenerz, Steiermark, Austria
Size: 5.7 x 2.9 x 3.6 cm
Unusually large, 10 x 7 x 4 mm crystal on siderite matrix! the right side is chipped, sadly, hence the very low price! However, the rest of the crystal is in perfect condition and shows an exceedingly fine luster and clarity! Amazing colour in person, never seen from any Chinese cinnabars!
WO05 - Smoky Quartz - SOLD
Göschenertal, Kanton Uri, Switzerland
Size: 20 x 14 x 11 cm
Undamaged smoky quartz specimen from famous Swiss locale! Great clarity and luster!
XY45 - Quartz - SOLD
Auernig, Mallnitz, Kärnten, Austria
Size: 15 x 4.9 x 3.3 cm
Absolutely pristine floater specimen featuring two doubly terminated Tessin style crystals on pericline matrix. Just wonderful!
SF33 - Quartz - SOLD
Winterstock, Göschenertal, Kanton Uri, Switzerland
Size: 11.2 x 7.3 x 5.2 cm
Pristine clear quartz specimen from Göschenertal. Striking clarity and lovely composition!