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Recently Handled Minerals

SP09 - Sartorite - SOLD
Lengenbach, Binntal, Wallis, Switzerland
Size: 6.8 x 5.8 x 4.5 cm
10 mm sartorite crystal on white marble and pyrite host rock. From a classic Swiss locality! No damage.

A519 - Calcite - SOLD
Daye Co., Hubei Province, China
Size: 13.3 x 12.4 x 9.9 cm
Wow! What an amazing red calcite from Tonglushan! Large twinned and doubly terminated crystals are perched on a very attractive matrix formed by smaller stalactite calcite crystals. The orange-red hematite inclusions make this a colourful and truly outstanding specimen! Great condition, and striking aesthetics!

SM07 - Fluorite - SOLD
Jaimina Mine, Carrales, Obdulia vein, Caravia District, Caravia mining area, Asturias, Spain
Size: 9.3 x 8.2 x 5.1 cm
What a beautiful fluorite floater cluster featuring lovely beelled faces and crazy growth patterns on all sides. Great 3-dimensional shape, no damage.

SO07 - Schwazite - SOLD
Brixlegg, Tirol, Austria
Size: 5.5 x 4 x 2.9 cm
A perfect 22 mm schwazite crystal on quartz and baryte matrix. An old label placed on the bottom side of the piece indicates that it was found in 1894. The large crystal is free of damage.

PM94 - Boleite on Selenite - SOLD
Amelia Mine, Santa Rosalía, Boleo District, Mun. de Mulegé, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Size: 7.2 x 5.6 x 4.8 cm
Boleite crystals and minor atacamite on gypsum matrix! The boleites reach a size of 6 mm on edge. Unlike most boleite specimens from this locality the matrix is solid throughout, and the boleites are well attached. No repair, no stabilization.

LE02 - Fluorite with Quartz - SOLD
Xianghualing Mine, Linwu Co., Chenzhou Prefecture, Hunan Province, China
Size: 33 x 22 x 11 cm
Very showy large cabinet sized specimen featuring stepped cubic fluorites on quartz that covered a first generation of big octahedral fluorites. The most interesting point about this piece is the fact that the second generation of fluorite grew perfectly orientated on the first generation, although the quartz layer is in between the two generations of fluorite. What an amazing piece of mother nature!

PV34 - Dolomite with Quartz - SOLD
Cavnic Mine (Kapnik), Cavnic (Kapnic; Kapnik), Maramures Co., Romania
Size: 15.5 x 11 x 7.9 cm
Large dolomite ball, 9.3 cm in diameter, perched on quartz matrix.

LE11 - Amethyst Sceptre - SOLD
Brandberg, Erongo Region, Namibia
Size: 6.2 x 4.2 x 3 cm
Beautiful amethyst/smoky sceptre in perfect condition. The typical fensters are very well formed.

A381 - Sphalerite with Pyrite, Quartz and Dolomite - SOLD
Trepca, Kosovo
Size: 27.1 x 22.5 x 13 cm
This is a wonderful large cabinet sized combination specimen from Trepca. It has a high balance of the predominating pyrite and sphalerite clusters sitting on the nicely contrasting quartz matrix. A very showy specimen in great condition!

CL01 - Iron Rose - SOLD
Fibbia, Tessin, Switzerland
Size: 8 x 6.8 x 4.3 cm
Highly lustrous hematite aggregate measuring 5.1 cm across perched on adularia and granite matrix! The asymetric growth of the ironrose sets a strong dynamic impact and gives character to the piece. Furthermore, the stepped growth of the shiny faces is particularly beautiful and makes this piece truly special. Tiny bruising is presend along a few edges, but this is truly insignificant. The overall composition is just amazing! Great choice for every lover of alpine minerals!

SN14 - Dyscrasite - SOLD
St. Andreasberg, Harz Mts, Lower Saxony, Germany
Size: 3.1 x 2.7 x 1.4 cm
Gorgeous dyscrasite thumbnail specimen featuring unusually large and sharp crystals! Undamaged and well formed from all sides!

PM26 - Wulfenite - SOLD
Touissit, Oujda-Angad Prov., Oriental Region, Morocco
Size: 7.3 x 6.8 x 4.5 cm
This specimen is a full floater and well crystallized all around. It has two generations of yellow and orange-yellow wulfenite. The composition is very fine, it is very 3-dimensional and there are several well isolated crystals in the cluster. The biggest crystal, the one on the left side, measures 2.5 cm across. The front side is in great condition and there is no damage of any significance. Ex Walter Knobloch specimen.