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Alpine Minerals #12

XY157 - Aquamarine - SOLD
Sedl, Habachtal, Pinzgau, Salzburg, Austria
Size: 10.4 x 6.5 x 4.5 cm
Three aquamarine crystals up to 14 mm in length embedded in biotite schist matrix. The crystals show glassy character and fine sky blue color. Aquamarine from the locality represents an exceptional rarity and so it is on high relevance for the area. Ex Heinrich Prager collection.

XY156 - Gold - SOLD
Hainzenberg, Zell am Ziller, Zillertal, Tirol, Austria
Size: 5.1 x 3.4 x 2.2 cm
Well visible native gold set on matrix represents an exceptional rarity for Austrian Alps - here is one! Good contrast of intense colored gold on the schist and quartz matrix. Ex Heinrich Prager collection.

KD10 - Rutile - SOLD
Modriach, Koralpe, Steiermark, Austria
Size: 6.9 x 5 x 3.3 cm
Rare rutile from this classic locality! The 3.2 cm crystal shows pyramidal end-points, sharp terminations and fine satiny luster.

XY150 - Calcite with Baryte and Galena - SOLD
Bleiberg, Kärnten, Austria
Size: 10.3 x 9 x 5.1 cm
Well developed calcite scalenohedrons set on roses of baryte and galena matrix. A beautiful sample from this old classic locality. Ex Heinrich Prager and k.k.montanistisches Museum collections.