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Alpine Minerals #9

XY99 - Quartz with Hematite - SOLD
Cavradi, Val Curnera, Tujetsch, Graubünden, Switzerland
Size: 11 x 8 x 5.5 cm
Found by Theodosin Venzin 1980, this piece is an excellent classic sample of hematite and quartz from Cavradi gorge. Two large hematite blades rest among doubly terminated quartzes. Great composition, perfect condition!

DS20 - Smoky Quartz with Hematite - SOLD
Plattenberg, Valsertal, Graubünden, Switzerland
Size: 8.2 x 5.6 x 4.5 cm
Highly lustrous hematite blades covering 3 sides of a smoky quartz crystal, what a wonderful encasement!

XY103 - Fluorite - SOLD
Zinggenstock, Grimsel, Haslital, Berner Oberland, Switzerland
Size: 11 x 7.5 x 5 cm
WOW! This is indeed a masterpiece fluorite from the famous Rufibach pocket, found 1962 on Vorderer Zinggenstock. The Rufibach family worked at this pocket for decades, and this is one of the very best fluorite specimens i have ever seen from this important alpine location. A large, well formed and totally undamaged fluorite octahedron is perched on a nicely contrasting granite matrix. Small calcites and smoky crystals set a nice contrast. What an awesome killer piece!