International Minerals #8
A320 - Amethyst Sceptre - SOLD
Goboboseb Mts., Brandberg Area, Erongo Region, Namibia
Size: 5.5 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm
What a sharp and pristine texbook sceptre crystal! Deep amethyst and smoky colours, fine fensters, great clarity and luster, the crystal is fantastic in every respect! No damage.
PM20 - Titanite - SOLD
Skardu District , Baltistan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Size: 5.8 x 3.4 x 3.8 cm
Superb and deep green titanite crystal cluster perched on pericline matrix! The crystals are sharply formed twins, the largest of which is 2.4 cm long. The specimen is a full floater and well crystallized on all sides. Awesome condition and aesthetics!
A335 - Elbaite - SOLD
Himalaya Mine, Gem Hill, Mesa Grande District, San Diego Co., California, USA
Size: 6.7 x 5.5 x 3.8 cm
What a stunning group of 3 doubly terminated elbaite crystals in a cluster! The top terminations show sharp and large bevelled faces, and the pink colour is truly deep and intense, easily on top 10 percentile of the locality. The specimen is remarkably not repaired, just minor chipping is present on one of the lower terminations. This is, however, not at all visible from the front side and hence just a very minor issue. The specimen is a full floater and very showy all around, please note: the two pictures on top are taken from two different angles. Ex Lawrence H. Conclin collection, his label is coming with the piece.
CA21 - Crocoite - SOLD
Adelaide Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia
Size: 7.5 x 1 x 0.7 cm
Large and richely coloured single crocoite crystal. The crystal is quite thick and hollow, the termination is jagged and free of damage.
SW495 - Apatite - SOLD
Konar Province, Nuristan, Afghanistan
Size: 2.6 x 2.4 x 1 cm
This is a beautiful TN cluster of purple apatite. Minor bruises are present on a few edges, but the piece is still in great condition. The back side is fully crystallized also.
PM68 - Heliodor - SOLD
Volodarsk-Volynskii, Zhytomyr Oblast' (Zhitomir Oblast'), Ukraine
Size: 9 x 4 x 3 cm
WOW! Volodarsk is well known all over the world for its fantastic heliodor crystals, and this is an amazing cabinet sized sample from the famous old finds! The colour is a strong and intense greenish yellow, the best one can look for, and the etching patterns are also exceptionally well fromed all over the surface. The crystal is doubly terminated and in great condition. The termination is fully pristine, there is no damage of any significance. 171 grams of gorgeous gem quality!
PM76 - Baryte on Dolomite - 480€ - ON HOLD
Frizington, West Cumberland Iron Field, Cumberland, Cumbria, England, UK
Size: 9.3 x 7.1 x 6.2 cm
Sharp baryte crystals on reddish-brown dolomite matrix. Great composition on nicely contrasting matrix.
MU03 - Bastnaesite - SOLD
Zagi Mountain, Hameed Abad Kafoor Dheri, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Size: 5.7 x 4.9 x 2.9 cm
This specimen features a texbook bastnaesite crystal on granite matrix. It is sharp and pristine, colourful and gemmy. Indeed amazing quality and composition!
BT06 - Smithsonite - SOLD
Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New Mexico, USA
Size: 5.5 x 5 x 4.5 cm
Deeply coloured botryoidal smithsonite in a wonderful cluster. The crystals show great isolation. No damage.
VG07 - Gold - SOLD
Cavnic Mine (Kapnik), Cavnic (Kapnic; Kapnik), Maramures Co., Romania
Size: 2.9 x 2.8 x 1.9 cm
A nest of sparkling gold crystals sitting on quartz matrix. The gold measures 2.2 x 1.5 cm across.
GU10 - Chrysoberyl - SOLD
Espírito Santo, Brazil
Size: 2.4 x 2.4 x 1.7 cm
Well-formed chrysoberyl sixling featuring perfect form and symmetry. The luster is very fine, and also the colour and clarity are excellent!
HS05 - Calcite - SOLD
Iraí, Alto Uruguai region, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Size: 7.1 x 6.7 x 4.7 cm
Wonderful calcite star on matrix. Each of the tapering crystals shows beautiful side crystal structures on its surface. Great aesthetics and no damage!